Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sorcerers & Secretaries vol. 2, page 44

And it continues... beyond the release date! But it seems people are starting to get their books in. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous! However, I suppose as long as I'm happy with how it turned out, I can handle any negative criticism gracefully.

I spent my day doing laundry (including a minor disaster because I failed to check the jean pockets!), and painted a page of Amulet. I should be working on a freelance project I have, but I'd rather write Reman Mythology before heading to sleep (I'm up to page 33 in the script).

Speaking of page 33... I kind of freaked out the other day and almost scrapped the script to start over yet again. Kazu asked me what page I was on, and I told him. Then he talked about screenwriters, and how getting past page 30 is usually a huge hurdle because it's the end of the first act and the last two are unknown, while the first one is far from perfect. "Just finish the whole thing," he said, "THEN go back and reread it to see what needs to be fixed, because you won't know until it's all laid out in front of you." It's so true.

So there you have it guys... if any of you graphic novelists out there are frozen at the end of act 1, just push forward and get past that dreaded "page 30"! There are greener pastures on the other side. I hope.

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