Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Rema Chronicles update


Hello! I noticed a lot of people landing on this page, searching for news on The Rema Chronicles Book 2: The Kingdom Of Water. All I can offer you is the above image from book 2, which features yet another story from the Reman religious and historical book, The Remanora.

I've been working hard on book 2 every day, and I cannot wait to share it with everyone! I'm roughly halfway done, so there is no release date yet. Once I have a solid release date, I will announce it loudly on my TwitterInstagram, and at Boltcity Productions.

The reception for book 1 of The Rema Chronicles was greater than I expected for my dorky little fantasy story, especially considering this is a brand new series that is just starting. It stayed on the Indie Bestseller list for roughly six weeks! You all are incredible! I'm so grateful to anyone who gave it read and shared it with friends and family. The idea that this story I carried for forty years is out there in the world, being enjoyed by people who were the same age I was when I first dreamed it up...well it means more than I can say.

For those who do not follow any of my socials, I also want to share these Rema Chronicles coloring pages. They feature actual linework from the book (plus 1 random illustration.) Yes, this is what the inks look like before I lay down color, with help from assistant Audra Furuichi. So, if you want some coloring practice, have at it! Simply click on the thumbnail of your choosing to open the hi-res version in a new window. Make sure to print in landscape mode. All of these are also archived over at Boltcity Productions under "activities", where you can find an FAQ and a Rema Chronicles pronunciation guide.

And of course, I can't update you all without mentioning the Realm Of The Blue Mist book trailer, animated by none other than good friend Denver Jackson. He did an amazing job bringing Tabby and Philip to life, and I know it helped signal boost The Rema Chronicles a lot! Follow his incredible work over at Cloudrise Pictures.

A special word of thanks to those of you who followed this blog for several years, who were there as I posted chapters back when this was just a prose novel. I lost hope for this story for a long time, but your feedback and encouragement really helped keep the dream alive. I met a handful of you while signing books on the road. Every time I do, I lack the words to express my deep gratitude. Just know it is there, and I carry your encouragement with me as I dive into the last half of book 2 which features some of the most challenging pages I ever had to draw.

I hope if you find the graphic novel version that you enjoy it, and it brings back memories of those fleeting years. For now, it's time for me to get back to the drawing board (or Photoshop, in this case!) I hope to see you again when I have updates on book 2. Until then, I wish you peace, love, and prosperity.


  1. That's nice to hear. Might there be other language versions of the Rema Chronicles in the future? As well as ya series' wikia site?

    1. Rema Chronicles is already available in several languages around the world, and the list is growing. I have no plans for a wikia site. Thanks for the questions!

    2. Ok thanks for telling other languages already available. So no wikia site plans, just thought it might be useful for readers to learn more about the lore, characters, behind the scenes, etc of ya Rema Chronicles universe...

      For other questions, I hope u might respond soon-
      Question 1: Will there be audio book version of the Reman Chronicles?
      Question 2: Will there be other planets & universes involved that are in & out of the Milky Way Galaxy?
      Question 3: If Reman Chronicles is successful will there be animated series version in the future?
      Question 4: Might 21st century USA be involved in future books? Due to current day US gov back in late July 2023AD confirmed aliens DO exist which meant Rema's operatives involvement on Earth with Tabby's dad's passing case would be already known to the US gov's highest levels, which the Americans might secretly send in expeditionary forces (mostly handpicked from armed forces & US Intelligence Community) by others means travel to other planets like Reman similar to sci-fi series such as Gate (novel series) & Stargate series.

    3. A animated version would be so cool!!

  2. My wife and I were shopping for Christmas presents back in November, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw The Rema Chronicles, in print. I kinda thought you'd moved on from the whole endeavour, so to see it there on the shelf (not just as a webcomic) was a bit of a Christmas present for me too!

    I finally read it last night (yes, we did buy it for my son) and I was surprised by how much your story still resonates with me, nearly two decades after I discovered the webcomic. Some webcomics from the mid-'00s probably wouldn't have aged well if I read them again, but this one still feels fresh. I think it's the depth you've lovingly put into each character.

    I think it's something more too -- watching the development of your skill with a pen, from "pretty good" in the first panels to "exquisitely elegant" by the end, gave me encouragement to keep applying myself to the things I want to improve at. Perhaps more than any other artist I've followed.

    So thank you for holding that torch aflame. Reading through your blog, I can tell it wasn't easy.

    1. Thank you so much for your story and kind words. I'm a little speechless... and so happy you found your way back to the book. And you're right, it wasn't easy. But I enjoy a good challenge, so Rema is always calling me. Hopefully I can see the story through to the end this time! I wish you luck on your pursuits, as well! There is no end to the things we can learn and improve upon in life, as long as we don't expect too much and enjoy the journey of discovery.

    2. And THANK YOU for being such a good Author and Illustrator, wish that REMA was a real place, the thing is your books bring REMA to reality and that is one of the many reasons why I love it o much and why I am anticipating when book 2 will come out!!

  3. Your books are amazing!
    I have read your book 30 times!
    This is the best book I have read in all of my 11 years and replaced my old favorite series by the awesome pictures and writing.I will always love my old favorite,but I am amazed by your book and talent!Thank you for making my time in school so much more interesting than anyone ever have!
    Can’t wait to read more!

  4. Think of me as Tabby/Philip FAN!!!

  5. Do you think you some day make a movie?

    1. There was some interest before the first book was released, but I asked to pause inquiries until I can get further into the series. My main focus is the books!

    2. Pls keep us updated on the second book as soon as you have a release date

  6. When is #2 coming out? We can’t wait!!

  7. Can you show me the cover for book 2?

  8. When is the 2end book coming? pls make it soon =, cant wait

  9. Hello I'm a school librarian in Australia, and I just wanted to let you know I've never been asked more to check if there is a book 2 yet. One of our most popular graphic novels, we had to get two copies. Good luck with the next book, can't wait to add it too our collection.

  10. Hi! My daughter has been asking when book 2 will be coming out! Any update?

  11. PLEASE TELL ME WHEN THE NEXT BOOK IS COMING!! I am a HUGE FAN of YOU and your husbands works. Please let me know, I have been rereading Realm of The Blue Mist all the time waiting for WHEN Kingdom of Water will come out, please let ME KNOW!! :) ;)

  12. One day I am gonna get a cartooning degree

  13. Hi everyone! My name is Marga and I am from Spain.
    I've just discovered this beautiful and amazing story, and I really hope the second part will come... I cannot find any more news, so I guess I'll have yo wait..
