Thursday, September 20, 2007

Avatar: The Last Airbender Magazine and an interview

Hello everyone, it's been a while. I've been spending my days writing and reading, still, and spending quality time with friends. Most recently I read "Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones. It is now *officially* one of my all-time favorite books. Romantic without being sensual, quirky without being pretentious, and charming without being coy, it's heartwarming and delightful. Highly recommended book.

If you haven't noticed, I had to turn off the comment box on my site because I was getting too much spam. I'm planning a site redesign anyway, but if anyone really needs to contact me there's always email.

There is a new interview up over at as a kind of year-in-review for my work in 2007, as if you didn't get enough of me already! I had a great time answering these questions, thanks to Alex. I got to talk a bit about writing in the end too!

Here is the interview.

Also, if you haven't picked up your copy of the all-Avatar edition of Nickelodeon magazine yet (I illustrated the above "Going Home Again" story), please do at your nearest bookstore. Magazine sales are definitely looked at, so showing your support with the $5 purchase actually makes a difference. The editor, Dave Roman, made an excellent case against scanning images from the magazine by discussing a little bit on the state of the magazine industry in his journal, so go give it a read.

I found my copy of the mag in the family section of Barnes & Nobles, myself. Just look for this spiffy cover drawn by Lauren Montgomery:

As far as things go on the Reman front, I'm still writing every day, and I'm about two-thirds done with the book's second draft. A lot of changes have been made, and as I write I discover new things about the story. Kazu and I go through these plot points together, and it's been helping me shape and reshape the story arch. My goal at this point is to finish a readable draft to present to publishers by December. We'll see how it goes.

And finally to any head hunters out there, I'm interested in doing some short freelance comics/illustration work. If there are any companies out there who think I'd be appropriate for their projects, please feel free to email me: whibbage at

Okay. Back to writing I go...

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